ASSOCIATEBusiness Data Communications (A21)
Information Technology use for knowledge workers; Use of knowledge work productivity software; what is knowledge work and knowledge workers; analysis of individual knowledge work tasks/activities; knowledge workers and information management; Collaboration among knowledge workers; analysis of work activities and information requirements or
management, etc.; Data organization, access and management of internal organizational data and external data; role of IT, e.g., Internet and WWWin knowledge worker productivity. Introduction to the use of data communications and other automation systems in the business environment, voice and electronic mail, video conferencing, and other automation tools in support of management. The Internet and WWW: Operation and functional uses; IP addresses, datagram’s, domain names, TCP/IP; use of URLs, browsers, and search engines
for information searches, etc. The study of local and wide area networks, fundamentals of datagram’s mission: coding, message formats, and protocols. Organization of computer networks. Examples of network implementations.