FOUNDATIONTechnical Writing and Communication (F13)
Introduction to communication as a management tool. Analysis of the psychology, semantics, planning, and principles of effective technical writing, presenting, and interpersonal and team communication. Protocols for business letters, memoranda, electronic mail, good and bad messages, persuasive messages and formal reports
and proposals. Practical applications include written and oral messages, inform and persuade; presentations, and tools and processes to increase collaboration among members of a team. Internal and external, written and oral technical reporting. Communications strategies within the context of rapidly changing technologies. Students learn via
individual projects resulting in a variety of reports: proposals, progress reports, feasibility studies, business plans, etc. Enhancing business communication with technology based media. Emphasis on elements of persuasive communication: how to design effective
messages for diverse and possibly resistant audiences and how to present that information in a credible and convincing way, from concept to delivery.